Bad Streak In Poker

  1. Bad Streak In Poker Odds
  2. Bad Streak In Poker Tournament
  3. Bad Streak In Poker Real Money

Let’s face it. Losing sucks. We expect it to happen occasionally—just often enough that we can show what a good sport we are about the whole thing.

But every loss affects us, and with each successive loss, we begin to seethe with anger and confusion while searching for something or someone to blame. That guy who beat us with that freakingrunner-runner gutshot straight, for example.

She decided to learn how to play poker to better understand the role of luck in our lives, examining the game through the lens of psychology and human behavior. If you are on a bad streak, you. If you are a losing poker player & want help to understand WHY Take This Free 4 Part Video Series, The Cash Game Blind Spots

  • You have to remember that every hits a big poker downswing from time to time, and it's simply a bad dose of variance slapping you about for a few sessions. The only thing that is going wrong is your ability to have a bit of good luck once in a while, and there is nothing you can do to get that back on track.
  • A losing streak can be the most difficult thing to deal with for any poker player, because it can shake your confidence to its core. A losing streak can make you question if all of your previous.
  • The term poker staking means that a poker investor (“the backer”) puts up money on behalf of a poker player (“the horse”) in exchange for a cut of the profits. The backer typically assumes all the risk – any money the horse loses is on the backer, but if the horse wins, the profits are shared according to the terms of the poker.

Or the slot machine that, despite the hundreds of dollars we have sunk into it, refuses to pay off. It’s obvious the casino has that one rigged.There oughtta be a law.

Our brains are hardwired to recognize patterns. This is a good thing. Sure, it can be fun to arrive at the correct conclusion based on incomplete data (the very purpose for pattern-recognition),but it can also give us plenty of false positives, such as it often does when it comes to gambling.

“They can’t get lucky forever,” we mutter as we post our blinds for the next round of hold’em. “This slot’s bound to hit soon,” we say, reloading—for the bonus, we tell ourselves, just for thebonus.

If the streak goes on long enough, however, some (but not all) of us will arrive at the same simple-but-true conclusion: I lost because I bet, and I continued to lose because I continued to bet.

Bad streak in poker odds

This is a harder conclusion to reach if you play mostly skill games such as poker. You know the odds. You know your outs. You even know the outs your opponent has for the hand you stronglysuspect he has.

Sure, you know about luck, but you call it variance, and this allows you to pretend luck doesn’t exist except as a mathematical construct.

There is a difference, of course. Variance is bloodless, cold, logical. Luck is redolent of worry beads and burning joss sticks and just might be a bit mystical. Luck is emotional, swingingwildly between surprised joy and abysmal depression.


Luck, in the final analysis, is no lady—assuming for the moment that ladies are not bipolar heiresses who carry a switchblade in their boot.

Luck exists, my friend. Oh yes. Just ask that idiot who matched your all-in and filled that runner-runner gutshot straight. He won’t be blessing his “variance.”

A sports team often enjoys a long winning streak – a sequence of games won, one after the other. The longest win streak in college football history is held by the University of Oklahoma Sooners, who won 47 consecutive games between 1953 and 1957. Streaks – runs of good or bad luck – are quite common in poker, but one doesn’t necessarily have to win or lose a large number of consecutive hands for it to be considered a good or bad streak.

Bad Streak In Poker Odds

If you play much poker, undoubtedly you too have been delighted when in the midst of a winning streak, and going home session after session with more money than you brought to the casino. This is something you can also feel online if gambling at sites like PayPal casinos, but eventually, whether at poker or any other form of casino gambling, you’ll suffer a losing streak. Such is the nature of a game in which skill notwithstanding, luck will always play a part.

Likewise, during a single session, you may encounter several winning and losing streaks. It’s inevitable. Go figure! There will be times when you decide to stay in and see the flop with marginal starting hands (for whatever reason) and manage to connect with the nuts on the flop. That type of good luck (sometimes referred to as momentum) lasts for a period of time, helping to build you stacks of poker chips. Your confidence surges to no end. Perhaps this is even a factor in your continuing good luck?

But, unfortunately, the opposite is also true: You can start with the best possible hole cards, like pocket Aces, and end up second-best. Catch a set of Kings on the flop but you’ll lose when an opponent catches a full house on the river –a bad beat, no less, and it’s demoralizing to say the least! Of course, it’s also quite costly. How many such losers can you handle before having to dip into your wallet for more money. Don’t go on tilt! Of course, these streaks also happen to your opponents.

Bad Streak In Poker Tournament

My Experience with Winning and Losing Streaks

Bad Streak In Poker

I don’t know about you, but good and bad streaks happen to me almost every time I play poker. Recently, while playing $4-$8 limit hold’em at the Hustler Casino in Gardena, California, I started off just great. I won the vast majority of the pots I entered. I was on a streak! The cards seemed to just fall into place, and my self-confidence soared.

I was well ahead when I took a break from the game to enjoy my dinner. As usual, the food at the Hustler was excellent, as is the food service – adding to my ecstasy and euphoria.

But all good things must come to an end – unfortunately. That’s life! A bit later, after I got back to the table, things changed dramatically. Most of the same players were there, but my good luck turned sour. Oh, so sour. Hand after hand, I took a beating. My profits dwindled.

Take a Break

I took a break from the table and went outside to refresh my mind and to THINK. I wanted to avoid going on tilt. What’s more, I decided it was a good time to quit for the session while I was still ahead. It was an hour before my scheduled Access van ride home; so, I decided to sit down at an empty table and draft my notes for this column.

How do you avoid losing back all your winnings?

The reader submitting the best comments to me via email ( during the next two weeks will be awarded with a copy of my book, The Art of Bluffing (see below).


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