Famous Gambling Stories

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Kerry Packer’s gambling

Kerry Packer was one of those larger than life characters who are one in a million. Some people know him for his keen and ruthless business acumen. Some people remember him for revolutionising modern day cricket. However it is his gargantuan appetite for the punt we are interested in.

There are legends of Packer’s gambling binges from winning enough money to almost bankrupt a casino and cause their share price to instantly drop, to losing enough money to shadow the national budget of four South American countries.

The famous gambling fanatic became a hero of the working class across the city casinos due to his generosity at the tables. Stories of him tipping casino staff enough money to pay off their debts. It’s Seabiscuit meets Narcos, and the best true-life gambling story ever told. In the late 1980s, a spectacular 3-year-old female racehorse named Winning Colors was being groomed for success under her famous “Hollywood” trainer, D. Wayne Lukas, and the billionaire owner of the San Diego Chargers pro-football team, Eugene Klein. Jason Sobel detailed a series of gambling stories for the Action Network, including one on a night he’d spent at a party Mickelson was hosting. Sobel writes that the main event of the night was a. The gambling tales are definitely some of the craziest ones out there because they involve funny situations, some shady or risky things and they are combined with a good sense of humor. There are a lot of gambling stories and every person knows at least one. The biggest ones in history are not that well known. Matt's story - one man's road back from ruin POKER machines are a major social evil, a reformed Central Coast gambling addict said. They cost him relationships, hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets and, possibly, a stroke caused by financial stress.

My interest in the mythology of Kerry Packer began on a trip down to Melbourne five years ago, where I caught up with an old dealing buddy of mine. He began to tell me an unconfirmed rumour about his boss, Mr. Packer. The rumour stems from Packer’s kidney transplant (donated by his helicopter pilot) in 2000. Apparently a single, lowly croupier from Crown sent him a “Get Well” card and note, allegedly the only Crown casino employee to do so. Once Kerry had recovered from the transplant, the rumour goes he promoted the dealer to pit boss with an obscene raise as thanks for the dealer’s considerate gesture.

Even more grandiose than this rumoured gesture are some of Packer’s antics while in the grip of a fevered punting session. So we will have a look at some of Packer’s greatest gambling stories.

Big Tips

A story that gets every dealer and waitress a little excited are the stories of Packer’s obscenely generous tips.


Packer was so impressed by one cocktail waitress he asked her if she had a mortgage. She said she did, so he asked her to bring it in the next day, which she did. The mortgage was for $150,000 and Packer paid it off for her immediately.

Famous Gambling Stories Caught

Another time Packer accidentally crashed into a cocktail waitress, sending her tray of drinks flying left, right and centre. To apologise Packer paid off her mortgage of $130,000.

One dealer was offered an $80,000 tip by Packer but respectfully declined, informing him dealers are not allowed to accept gratuities. Packer apparently called over the Pit Boss immediately and demanded the dealer be sacked on the spot. The Pit Boss fired her. Packer then pushed forward the $80,000 worth of chips before demanding the Pit Boss re-hire her.

Banned from the MGM Grand

In 1995 the legend goes Packer went berserk at the MGM Grand tables, hitting an inconceivable lucky streak, playing blackjack and baccarat for as much as $500,000 per hand and taking the casino for as much as $26 million in only a couple of hours.

Once Kerry had made the win, he packed up shop and left.

For taking such a hit to their bottom line Packer found himself banned from the MGM Grand and its affiliated hotels and casinos for life.

The Coin Toss

This story has many versions and the complete truth of the details has probably been lost over the years but the bones of the story goes a little something like this…

They say Kerry was playing every box at a blackjack table and not allowing anyone else to play or back bet at the table. They say this angered an arrogant Texan oil baron. The Texan began to throw his weight around, complaining and telling all and sundry he was a big deal. He’s worth $100 million. He shouldn’t have to wait for a goddang blackjack table!

Packer swivels around in his seat only for the Texan to point at Packer and reiterate, “I’m worth $100 million!” So Packer pulls a coin out of his pocket, stares at the Texan and says, “So you want to gamble hey? I’ll flip you for it.”

After being challenged to gamble his entire fortune on the toss of a coin, the Texan quietened down and slunk away into the shadows as Kerry continued on at his table, unfazed.

At The Races

Legend has it no single bookie in NSW had the necessary war chest to take the wild bets of sheer volume Packer was constantly itching to place at the racing carnivals.

In the end a gang of bookies banded together to pool their resources in an effort to take on Packer. Packer’s biggest splurge at the races came in 1987 on Golden Slipper Day when it is said that he single-handedly more than quadrupled the on-course book-markers average haul for the day.

While Packer liked to play casino games overseas he was a constant with many major bookmakers, including a huge rivalry with former leading SP bookie Alan Tripp. Packer’s son, James, is now in business with Tripp’s son with Crownbet now one of Australia’s leading corporate bookies.

These are just a few of the most well known legends of Packer’s punting, that happened before his death in 2005. He left behind a huge legacy of keen business dealings and having won and lost fortunes on the horses, blackjack and baccarat.

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Published by: Authority Publishing
Release Date: January 6, 2020
ISBN13: 978-1-949642-28-5


The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told is an inspiring personal narrative about a filly who broke through the male-dominated world of horseracing and inspired crowds of men and women alike, along with a trio of gamblers who embark on an unforgettable adventure that’s as epic as the historic victory of Winning Colors. It’s Seabiscuit meets Narcos, and the best true-life gambling story ever told.

In the late 1980s, a spectacular 3-year-old female racehorse named Winning Colors was being groomed for success under her famous “Hollywood” trainer, D. Wayne Lukas, and the billionaire owner of the San Diego Chargers pro-football team, Eugene Klein. Meanwhile, three fun-loving gamblers, Miami Paul, Dino Mateo, and Big Bernie believed that Winning Colors could be the unlikely female winner of the 1988 Kentucky Derby.

When the gamblers unknowingly place their longshot bet with members of a suspected drug cartel at a racetrack in Tijuana, Mexico, they must figure out how to claim their prize - without getting killed in the process. In a heart-pounding race of their own across the U.S.-Mexico border, the trio come face-to-face with suspected killers, are arrested by the Border Patrol, and fumble their way through the riskiest bet of their lives.


Famous Gambling Stories Podcast

“How can you resist a true story with the Kentucky Derby, the Cartel, Tijuana Gambling, and a guy named “Miami? You can’t! Prepare yourself for the ride.”
—Brandt Andersen - Executive Producer, “American Made” (2017), “Silence” (2016) and “Lone Survivor” (2013)

'I loved reading The Greatest Gambling Story Ever Told and couldn't put it down. It's a wonderfully stylish and entertaining story filled with action, suspense, and a lot of heart.'
—Tobias Schliessler – ASC - Cinematographer of “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) “Dreamgirls (2006) and “Lone Survivor” (2013)

“I loved the book and story! I usually don’t like horse racing books because the writers don’t typically understand racing. Mark has recreated the world’s greatest racing event in an accurate, exciting and intense portrayal. It’s like being at the finish line with a million dollars on the line!”
—Aron Wellman, President & Founder, Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners, 25 Stakes Winners… Winner Belmont Stakes

“An exciting story of a filly battling the males in the Kentucky Derby… and the gamblers that risked their lives on her. I was fascinated by the behind the scenes aspects of thoroughbred racing. A fun, fast and exciting read.”
—Ken Stovitz, Producer of “The Karate Kid”

“My wife read to me The Greatest Gambling Story Ever while I was driving with her from Washington to California. We were glued to story as the miles rolled on and totally immersed in the characters as they shot off the pages with total realism. I felt like I knew the characters personally by the time we were a quarter of the way into the book. These three fun loving buddies discover they placed a bet with the Mexican Cartel. Talk about a life-threatening problem that had us fearing for their lives. Putting the book down was not an option. My god it was intense and provided us with the fastest trip to Los Angeles ever! I wished there was a second book for the trip home. Mark Paul captured the audience and wrote a true page turner.”
—Wallace Williams, author, Stand Down,The Candidates, and soon to be published Pay Back

“I loved the story of the filly taking on the male colts and their chauvinistic trainers! It is incredibly exciting when she runs against them in the Derby. I loved the characters so much and I hated for the story to end.”
—Patrice Scribante, Horse Lover

“These characters bet their lives on a 50 to 1 shot! The book is a fast paced read from cover to cover and the scenes getting out of Mexico scared me to death. These are some crazy gamblers betting on the world’s greatest race. Loved it!”
—Richard Zien, Co-Founder, Mendelson and Zien Advertising

“I have been a Maître D’ at the Santa Anita Turf Club for 42 years, and this wonderful book recreates the glory days of horse racing. I loved re-experiencing the story of the billionaire owners, famous trainers, and bold gamblers as they raced toward and epic Derby.”
—Jimmy O’Hara- Maître D', Santa Anita Racetrack 1977 to Present

“This booked ruined my vacation – because I sat in my room unable to stop reading! I was worried for the characters as they traveled to Mexico and back with millions in cash. I want to see this place in Tijuana, Mexico!”
—Rusty Weber, Wealth Manager

“I have owned horses for 30 years and loved this exciting and true story. The racing scenes will have you on the edge of your chair rooting for the brilliant filly battling the colts!”
—Joel Adelman, Thoroughbred Owner

“A fast, easy read with action that doesn’t stop. I enjoyed the racing scenes as well as watching the foolhardy gamblers try to extract themselves from their predicaments. A thoroughly enjoyable read.”
—Howard Parelskin, Attorney

“A wonderful and suspenseful journey on two guys taking the ultimate long shot bet. No hedges, no fallback, lots of potholes. An easy, fun read.”
—Rick Edwards, Investor

“Three young American wild guys compete with the Mexican drug cartel and escaped with their lives. They have a great time with the ladies and lived to tell how they made a $1,000,000 killing - betting on a filly and avoiding being killed themselves by the Mexican Cartel.”
—Stephen Tow, Financial Advisor


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